Hoa Binh irrigation traffic connection

Hình ảnh dự án Kết nối giao thông thủy lợi Hòa Bình

Nut Tran Hung Dao-4
Nut Chi Lang-3
Nut Tran Hung Dao-2
Nut cau HB3-1
Nut Tran Hung Dao-1
Nut Cau Trang-4
Nut Chi Lang-4
Nut Tran Hung Dao-3
Nut Chi Lang-2
Nut Cau Trang-3
Nut Chi Lang-1
Nut cau HB3-3
Nut Cau Trang-1
Nut Cau Trang-2
Nut cau HB3-2
Nut cau HB3-4
snapshot (4)
Nut Tran Hung Dao-4 Nut Chi Lang-3 Nut Tran Hung Dao-2 Nut cau HB3-1 Nut Tran Hung Dao-1 Nut Cau Trang-4 Nut Chi Lang-4 Nut Tran Hung Dao-3 Nut Chi Lang-2 Nut Cau Trang-3 Nut Chi Lang-1 Nut cau HB3-3 Nut Cau Trang-1 Nut Cau Trang-2 Nut cau HB3-2 Nut cau HB3-4 snapshot (4)

Project: Connecting irrigation traffic in Hoa Binh province with the national transport infrastructure system

Investor Project management board for investment and construction of traffic works in Hoa Binh province
Type and grade of works Irrigation works and traffic works, Grade II traffic works; Irrigation grade IV, project group B
Location Hoa Binh Province
Scale Component 1: Strengthening the connectivity of Hoa Binh city with national highways and highways
Component 2: Strengthening flood resistance combined with urban infrastructure development in Hoa Binh city
 Bid Survey consulting, feasibility study report preparation
 Total Investment
Value of consulting services 4.85 billion dong
Investment capital Migrant and resettlement capital of Son La hydropower project is 950,000 million dong; mobilized capital, integrating other capital sources is about 525,518.84 million VND.
Time  2021

Project overview

We, Phu Thai consulting company, are very pleased to participate in consulting for the important project ‘Connecting traffic and irrigation in Hoa Binh province with the national transport infrastructure system’. This project’s investor is the Hoa Binh Provincial Traffic Construction Investment Project Management Board, which belongs to the category of irrigation works and traffic works of grade II, level IV for irrigation, which is a group B project.

The project is located in Hoa Binh province and has a scale of two components. Component 1 focuses on enhancing connectivity between Hoa Binh city and national highways and expressways. Component 2 focuses on enhancing flood resistance combined with urban infrastructure development in Hoa Binh city. The project aims to improve the transport and irrigation system in the area, meeting the needs of sustainable development of Hoa Binh province.

We undertake the survey consultancy bidding package, prepare the feasibility study report for this project. The value of our consulting services for the project is 4.85 billion VND. The project is funded by capital from migrants and resettlement Son La hydropower project and mobilized capital, integrating other capital sources.

We are committed to providing quality and reliable consulting solutions, in order to ensure the progress and quality of the project ‘Connecting Hoa Binh province’s irrigation traffic with the national transport infrastructure system’. We are proud to contribute to the development and improve the quality of life of the community in Hoa Binh province.

HB3 Bridge

Hình ảnh dự án Nút cầu HB3

Nut cau HB3-3
Nut cau HB3-1
Nut cau HB3-2
Nut cau HB3-4
Nut cau HB3-3 Nut cau HB3-1 Nut cau HB3-2 Nut cau HB3-4

Page Bridge button

Hình ảnh dự án Nút cầu Trang

Nut Cau Trang-4
Nut Cau Trang-1
Nut Cau Trang-2
Nut Cau Trang-3
Nut Cau Trang-4 Nut Cau Trang-1 Nut Cau Trang-2 Nut Cau Trang-3

Chi Lang Button

Hình ảnh dự án Nút Chi Lăng

Nut Chi Lang-4
Nut Chi Lang-1
Nut Chi Lang-2
Nut Chi Lang-3
Nut Chi Lang-4 Nut Chi Lang-1 Nut Chi Lang-2 Nut Chi Lang-3

Tran Hung Dao Button

Hình ảnh dự án Nút Trần Hưng Đạo

Nut Tran Hung Dao-3
Nut Tran Hung Dao-1
Nut Tran Hung Dao-4
Nut Tran Hung Dao-2
Nut Tran Hung Dao-3 Nut Tran Hung Dao-1 Nut Tran Hung Dao-4 Nut Tran Hung Dao-2